All Dental Health Articles - Page 3


Craving & Eating Ice? Pagophagia Explained

Craving & Eating Ice? Pagophagia Explained

May 2, 2024Pagophagia is the compulsive craving for and consumption of ice, often associated with iron deficiency anemia.
9 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Numb At The Dentist

9 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Numb At The Dentist

Apr 1, 2024Some people don’t respond to local anesthetics like novocaine very well, making it difficult for their dentist to get them numb during their procedure.
Is It Okay To Brush Your Teeth Without Toothpaste? (Dry Brushing Teeth)

Is It Okay To Brush Your Teeth Without Toothpaste? (Dry Brushing Teeth)

Mar 14, 2024Brushing without toothpaste can still remove plaque, but toothpaste is recommended for optimal dental health due to its fluoride content and other benefits.
Why You’re Missing Permanent Teeth: Hypodontia

Why You’re Missing Permanent Teeth: Hypodontia

Mar 12, 2024Hypodontia, also known as dental agenesis, is when you are congenitally missing teeth from birth.
8 Warning Signs of Oral Cancer  

8 Warning Signs of Oral Cancer  

Mar 10, 2024The National Cancer Institute stresses the importance of detecting oral cancer early.
9 Reasons for a Boil or Bump on Gums

9 Reasons for a Boil or Bump on Gums

Mar 5, 2024Gum bumps vary in severity and cause, from infections to minor injuries.
Should You Rinse After Brushing Teeth?

Should You Rinse After Brushing Teeth?

Feb 27, 2024Rinsing your mouth after brushing can wash away the fluoride's benefits, so it's advised to just spit out excess toothpaste instead.
Dental Cost Estimator (Guide & Calculator )

Dental Cost Estimator (Guide & Calculator )

Feb 12, 2024This dental cost estimator and guide explains how to gauge the cost of dental care, taking into account insurance and other factors.