Are you planning to remove your wisdom teeth? Food choices during your recovery are extremely important! Knowing what to eat after wisdom teeth removal will help you minimize discomfort, feel more energized as you heal, and prevent unwanted side effects like painful dry sockets. Before your planned oral surgery, make a point to pick up some of these approved foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal. That way your pantry is already completely stocked and you won’t have to send someone scurrying off to the store.
You’ll only need to adjust your diet for the first week or so. After several days and no signs of a dry socket, you can typically get back to eating all of the food you usually do.
If you ever have any questions about what is or isn’t safe to eat, always call your dentist. Your dental office will probably give you a printed list of instructions and approved foods and wisdom teeth snacks to eat, so follow their advice.
After having your wisdom teeth removed, your mouth will be fairly sore and you won’t feel like doing a lot of cooking, plan to have some of these foods already packaged or pre-cooked and ready to go. That way if you’re not feeling well or are still on pain medication, you won’t have to give a lot of thought to what’s for dinner.
Right after getting your wisdom tooth extraction, don't eat anything for the first two hours. After that, eat soft foods and cold stuff like broths, yogurt, ice cream, and soup. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during the first 24 hours.
If your mouth feels less sensitive, you can start having slightly firmer foods like eggs and cottage cheese. It's okay to keep eating really soft meals if you're still uncomfortable.
Swelling should be going down, and you can try semi-soft foods like mashed potatoes, pasta, and soft vegetables. Avoid chewing on the surgery side to prevent food from getting stuck and slowing down healing. Keep drinking water, and you can enjoy a smoothie or milkshake without a straw.
You might feel better, but be careful with chewy foods as they can make swelling and pain come back. Stick to semi-soft foods and add a bit of well-cooked chicken or beef. Pulled pork is another good option.
Now you can slowly start eating solid foods again, but pay attention to any pain or discomfort. If chewing hurts, go back to soft or semi-soft foods.
Listen to your mouth and eat only what feels comfortable. Avoid chewing hard near the surgery site. Things will get back to normal, and in about two weeks, you can go back to your regular diet.
Nutrition and hydration are an important part of your wisdom tooth recovery. Most people pick 3-4 different foods to eat after wisdom tooth removal, depending on their personal preferences and diet. A high school or college student might be perfectly content only eating one thing for three days in a row. But even if something is a favorite food, you may still get tired of it eventually. It’s best to have at least a few options to choose from. And if you have extra, the rest of the family can snack on them too.
If you’re having a hard time getting started or you’re hitting a brick wall when it comes to creativity with soft foods, here are 21 of the best foods to eat after having your wisdom teeth removed:
Stock up on a few different cans of all your favorite types of soup. Maybe it’s chicken noodle, tomato basil, or potato. Canned soups are usually plenty soft, so you can practically sip them down. Just make sure not to heat them up too much.
Since it has a thicker texture, Greek yogurt tends to be a bit more filling than what most people expect. Choose your favorite flavors or maybe even get one that has fruit you can mix into it. You can also get tubed yogurt and freeze it, for a soothing treat. Cold soft foods are great!
Scrambled, over easy, or hard-boiled, cooked eggs are the perfect texture when you’re craving protein (or breakfast in general) after a wisdom tooth removal. They’re easy to cook and healthy to eat. You can even pair them with grits or oatmeal if you’re really hungry.
Sliced avocado is healthy and filling. You can cut one up, sprinkle a little salt and pepper on it, or even toss one into a blender to add healthy fat to your smoothie. Choose your avocados where they’ll be perfectly ripe in time for your surgery.
Instant mashed potatoes take just minutes to make and taste delicious. Cup versions are easily popped right into the microwave and have all of the added flavors of a stuffed baked potato. If you prefer, you can also make them homemade, but it’s best if you peel the potatoes first.
Plain, sweetened, or strawberry flavored, applesauce usually comes in individual-sized servings that you can grab whenever you want. Applesauce is also part of the “BRAT” diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) which is perfect if you have post-operative nausea. If you need to get food into your stomach but feel a little queasy, applesauce is a perfect choice.
Just like applesauce, bananas are good for upset stomachs too. But their soft texture and nutritional components also make bananas a great meal substitute when you’re recovering from wisdom tooth removal or other types of dental surgery. The riper your bananas are, the softer and sweeter they’ll taste. Plus they are good source of vitamins and minerals.
Have a blender at home? Great! Toss in some fresh berries, yogurt, OJ, bananas, avocado, protein powder, or whatever you feel like. Ice cream can go in there, too. As long as you’re not sucking your smoothie through a straw, it can be filling to your stomach and soothing to your mouth at the same time. The only test is how healthy (or not) you want to make it! Don't use straws to avoid getting a dry socket.
Yes. You have permission to eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At least for a couple of days. The cool temperature will also help soothe sore gums. Just make sure you don’t have any flavors with nuts or crunchy pieces in them since they could hurt the part of your mouth where you just had a tooth pulled.
Do you love hummus? Do you mind eating it on its own, needing pita chips or carrot sticks to dip into it? Then you’re in luck. You can also make your own hummus at home ahead of time.
Trick yourself into feeling like you’re chewing something with a little texture with your favorite flavored instant oatmeal packets. Today we sometimes see nuts or large pieces of dried fruit in certain oatmeal flavors, so be sure to stick to the ones that don’t. Grits and Malt-o-Meal are other great alternatives if you’re not quite an oatmeal type of person.
Quinoa with a little feta cheese is super delicious. But you can also cook it up with other seasonings depending on the types of food you like. Serve it cool or warm. As you start to move on to firmer food textures, you can mix your leftovers with ripe diced tomatoes and Italian seasoning for some extra zing.
Craving meat? Fish is soft and flaky, making it a perfectly safe soft food to eat after wisdom tooth removal or other dental extractions. You can also do crab or crab cakes, as long as the breading isn’t heavy. But your best bet is a straight-up baked or grilled fillet without a lot of extras. Fish is also a great source of healthy fats, omega 3 and rich in vitamins.
If you know you need a lot of nutrients but just don’t quite have the stomach to chew anything, a protein shake is an excellent meal replacement. You can make your own or buy premixed shakes in the pharmacy. Or pop it in a blender with a banana or avocado to make it a little thicker, like a milkshake. Protein is also filling, so it helps you feel more satisfied when you might otherwise be skipping out on a meal.
Softer textures of cheese—like cottage cheese, for instance—are great when your mouth is sore after wisdom tooth removal. Plus, it’s usually “healthier” than chowing down on ice cream or pudding. Other types of soft cheese include feta, brie, ricotta, and gorgonzola.
The riper the fruit, the softer it is. Plus, fruits contain natural sugars which make them almost like eating dessert (especially if you top them off with some whipped cream.) If you don’t feel like keeping ripe fruit sitting around because it’s going to go bad fairly quickly or attract fruit flies, you might just want to buy some canned fruit or fruit cups instead.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Tofu comes in various textures, so the softer the better. Dice it up and sauté it with a little olive oil or soy sauce. You can even make a stir fry as long as you steam the broccoli, carrots, or cauliflower to the point that they’re as soft as mashed potatoes.
Are you ready to move on to some meatier meals? Start with ground beef, since it’s smaller and softer than biting into a steak or eating a hamburger. Just wait at least a few days post-wisdom tooth removal before you cook this one up.
Another great meat substitute and loaded with protein, beans are safe to eat after a tooth extraction/wisdom tooth removal, especially when you really want something filling. Plus, there are plenty of beans and flavors to choose from!
A beef, chicken, or bone broth is a great first meal to have after oral surgery. Just be careful not to have the broth too hot. And try to wait for the numbing medication to wear off first.
Last but not least, couscous is one other safe food to eat after wisdom teeth are removed. If you’re not a quinoa fan or you want to mix things up a little bit, couscous is a great alternative.
Just like there are safe foods and textures to eat after wisdom teeth surgery or oral surgery, you also need to know what NOT to eat after a wisdom tooth removal. You might think, “Oh, that doesn’t matter all that much. I’ll be just fine.” But then the next thing you know, your mouth is hurting and you either knocked the blood clot loose or hurt the tissues that are trying to heal.
As a general rule, you want to stay away from anything involving:
Super-hot temperatures could cause burns inside your mouth, significantly delaying the healing process.
Maybe you absolutely love spicy foods and sauces. But it’s best to avoid them for at least a couple of weeks.
When food is sticky, it can pull at the blood clot inside of your socket. Just say no!
Popcorn, chips, firm meats, and even crunchy fruits and vegetables need to be set aside until your wisdom tooth recovery is complete. You can go back to eating them within a week or two.
Avoid these liquids for at least the first 3-4 days after your wisdom tooth removal. And along those lines, don’t drink through a straw!
Your dentist or dental office can give you a list of safe foods and textures to eat after wisdom tooth removal. If you have ideas that aren’t on this list, feel free to run them by your dental provider.
Occasionally some people get a little ahead of themselves and eat foods not safe for wisdom teeth removal too soon after their extraction. If you do—and you experience unwanted pain or other side effects—be sure to talk to your dentist. Honesty is the best policy and the fastest way to get things back to normal.
Every dental surgery patient needs to know what foods they can eat after wisdom tooth removal. You’ll want to have several options to eat so that you can find something that’s easy to chew, satisfies your tastebuds, and prevents you from taking medication on an empty stomach. Be sure to stick to soft textures and avoid anything on the “do not eat” list. When in doubt, talk to your dentist. Your dental office will probably provide you with a list of approved foods as well as a home-care instruction sheet to follow during your recovery. If you happen to eat the wrong type of food and dislodge your blood clot—causing a dry socket or pain—contact your dentist immediately.
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