10 Reasons to Seek a Second Opinion for Dental Work

10 Reasons to Seek a Second Opinion for Dental Work

 Alex Westerhoff
Written by Alex Westerhoff 🔬 Evidence Based

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10 Reasons to Seek a Second Opinion for Dental Work

Having a good relationship with your dentist is really important. But, at your last oral health check-up, your current dentist suggested doing some big dental treatments like root canals or dental crowns on a few of your teeth. The thing is, you've never had any issues with these teeth before, so this might feel a bit surprising and confusing.

Now, you might be wondering, "Should I get a second opinion?" And the answer is: Yes, you can absolutely do that! It's really important to feel comfortable and sure about any dental work or procedure you're going to have.

The American Dental Association recommends second opinions for patients who are unsure a dental procedure or dental treatment plan. 

Is My Dentist Trying To Rip Me Off?

Sometimes when we see the bill for dental work, it's so high that we might wonder, "Is my dentist trying to overcharge me?" But hold on! There are actually quite a few reasons why dental treatments can cost a lot. First off, dental stuff is pretty complex – they use all sorts of fancy equipment and materials that can be expensive. Also, your dentist spent a long time learning how to take care of teeth (we're talking years in school!), so part of the cost is for their expertise. And then, each person's teeth are different. Dental health is not a one size fits all. Some of us might need more work than others to keep our smiles bright. So, while it might seem like a lot of money, it's often because keeping teeth healthy and happy is a big job!

Get a Second Opinion On Dental Procedures

It is wise to seek a second opinion, particularly for major treatments like dental implants. Your dentist might also recommend additional procedures such as a root canal treatment or tooth extraction, which can increase the cost. Your dentist will understand your need to double-check; after all, it's about ensuring the best care for your teeth!


So, how do you find another dentist for a second opinion or dental diagnosis? Here are some ideas:

1. Talk to Friends and Family

Maybe people you know can recommend a good dentist they trust. It's a fast way to find a second dentist.

2. Look Online

Check out dental websites and organizations for dentists in your area. There are second opinion dentists that provide second opinions all online.

Related: Check out 'My Dental Advocate' for an online second opinion.

3. Check with Your Dental Insurance

They can help you find a dentist and your insurance provider might even cover the cost of a second opinion dentist.

4. Ask Your Dentist

Even though they made the suggestion, your dentist can still help you find another dentist for a second opinion. They want the best for your oral health, too!

5. Local Dental School

Your local dental society or dental school can be great for finding expert opinions and low cost dental services. Find a dental school here.

When you go to the new dentist for a second opinion, they'll take a good look at your teeth and tell you what they think. Then, you can decide what feels right for you moving forward. Remember, it's all about making sure you're happy and confident with your dental care!

10 Signs That It's Time to Seek a Second Opinion from Another Dentist

When seeking a second opinion from a dentist, consider these 10 crucial elements. They will guide you in your best interest of making an informed decision about your dental care.

1. Unclear Explanation

If your dentist hasn't clearly explained why you need a particular dental treatment or how it will benefit you, it's a sign to seek another opinion.

2. High Pressure Sales Tactics

Feeling pressured to agree to expensive or extensive treatments immediately can be a red flag.

3. Lack of Improvement

If you've undergone dental treatment but haven't seen any improvement, or your dental issues have worsened, consider consulting another dentist.

4. Discomfort with Diagnosis

Trust your instincts. If something feels off about the diagnosis or suggested dental treatment plan, it's worth getting a second opinion.

5. Overly Expensive Treatment

If the cost of the proposed two treatment options seems excessively high, especially without a clear explanation, you should seek another professional evaluation.

6. Recommendations for Multiple Major Dental Procedures

If your dentist suggests several major procedures all at once without a convincing reason, this could be cause for concern.

7. Mismatched Treatment Plans

If the recommended dental treatment plan seems to be addressing issues that aren't related to your symptoms or complaints, it's a good idea to get another perspective.

8. Outdated Techniques or Equipment

If the dental office appears to be using outdated technology or techniques, it might not be providing the most up-to-date or effective care.

9. Negative Reviews or Complaints

Extensive negative reviews or complaints about the dentist or clinic can be indicative of a consistent problem with care quality.

10. Inconsistency in Care

If the care you receive seems to vary significantly from visit to visit without explanation, or if you feel your concerns are not being consistently addressed, a second opinion can provide clarity.

Should I Get A Second Opinion For Dental Work?

It's always important to feel comfortable and confident with your dental care, and seeking a second opinion can be a valuable step in ensuring that your dental needs are being met appropriately.

 Alex Westerhoff
Written by Alex Westerhoff Alex Westerhoff has been writing about dental health financing and business (among other topics) for more than 7 years.
Last updated onJanuary 9, 2024Here is our process

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