Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth

Mamelon Teeth | What Are They & How To Remove Them

Mamelon Teeth | What Are They & How To Remove Them

Have you ever looked at your kid’s newly erupted adult teeth and wondered what the tooth ridges were on the biting edges?
9 Easy Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking for Good

9 Easy Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking for Good

If you have a toddler that is a thumb sucker, now is the ideal time to start helping them break the habit.
Why Your Child NEEDS Their Cavity Filled

Why Your Child NEEDS Their Cavity Filled

Don’t be so quick to dismiss a cavity in your child’s baby tooth, even if it IS going to fall out eventually.
Baby Teeth: When Does Teething Start & Eruption Chart

Baby Teeth: When Does Teething Start & Eruption Chart

Your baby’s teeth are a preview of their adult teeth erupting several years later. Find when your baby teeth will fall out on the eruption chart.