

What is a Diastema & Should You Fill Your Gap Teeth

What is a Diastema & Should You Fill Your Gap Teeth

Normally a diastema is caused by tight skin between your two front teeth. Other times, gaps can be created because of gum disease, extra teeth, or tooth loss.
Monkeypox Mouth Sores | What They Look Like & Treatment

Monkeypox Mouth Sores | What They Look Like & Treatment

If you suspect you have monkeypox mouth sores symptoms, it’s important to follow CDC recommendations. Monkeypox mouth sores look like large blisters with scabs.
Gum Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Risks

Gum Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Risks

Gum disease is one of the most common oral infections and the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Gum disease can be easily preventable.
Gingivitis: Causes, Risks, and Treatments

Gingivitis: Causes, Risks, and Treatments

Gingivitis treatment starts with prevention. This common oral condition can evolve into a serious gum infection that ultimately causes tooth loss.