

13 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

13 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

A healthy smile is all about prevention with a proper oral hygiene routine and monitoring what your teeth are exposed to every day.
Craving & Eating Ice? Pagophagia Explained

Craving & Eating Ice? Pagophagia Explained

Pagophagia is the compulsive craving for and consumption of ice, often associated with iron deficiency anemia.
9 Worst Foods For Your Teeth & Gums

9 Worst Foods For Your Teeth & Gums

Candy isn’t the only food that has sugar in it. The worst foods for teeth may actually be what you’re eating on every day without even realizing it.
8 BEST Foods for Your Teeth & Gums

8 BEST Foods for Your Teeth & Gums

Choosing food good for teeth and tooth enamel each day can help you limit your chances of cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss.