Gum Health

Gum Health

Gum Health
Gingivitis: Causes, Risks, and Treatments
Gingivitis treatment starts with prevention. This common oral condition can evolve into a serious gum infection that ultimately causes tooth loss.
Gum Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Risks
Gum Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Risks
Gum disease is one of the most common oral infections and the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Gum disease can be easily preventable.
Gum Graft Explained & What to Expect
Gum Graft Explained & What to Expect
A gum graft can be one of your last options if you have major tissue loss from gum disease or trauma to that area.
Bleeding Gums: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention

Bleeding Gums: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention

The most important treatment for bleeding gums is good oral hygiene. You’ll need to efficiently remove all of that plaque bacteria from your gumlines.
Gingivectomy: Treatments Options, Recovery & Cost

Gingivectomy: Treatments Options, Recovery & Cost

Gummy Smile bothering you? A gingivectomy is a minimally invasive oral surgery where dentists or an oral surgeon removes gum tissue from your smile.
11 Reasons Why Your Gums Are Itchy

11 Reasons Why Your Gums Are Itchy

Itchy gums can signal a number of different dental or medical. Having itchy gums usually means you either have a gum infection or an allergic reaction.
11 Reasons Why Your Gums Are Sore

11 Reasons Why Your Gums Are Sore

Prevention-based dental care including regular cleanings and a good home hygiene routine is essential to treating and preventing sore gums.