Tooth Enamel

Tooth Enamel

Is Sparkling & Carbonated Water Bad for Teeth

Is Sparkling & Carbonated Water Bad for Teeth

Even though carbonated water is acidic, it's generally better than drinking sugary drinks or soda. It still can erode tooth enamel.
5 Stages Of An Abscessed Tooth & What To Do

5 Stages Of An Abscessed Tooth & What To Do

There are five stages of abscess teeth and three types of dental abscess: gingival, periodontal, and periapical.
9 Reasons for Teeth Stains & What To Do About It

9 Reasons for Teeth Stains & What To Do About It

Understanding what causes discolored tooth enamel and being able to pinpoint the types of teeth stains will help you determine the best way to treat it.
Dental Risks to Athletes (of All Ages)

Dental Risks to Athletes (of All Ages)

A lot of athletes clench and grind their teeth during strenuous activities and are more at risk for cavities, dry mouth, and broken teeth.