Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

Pericoronitis: Swollen & Infected Wisdom Teeth

Pericoronitis: Swollen & Infected Wisdom Teeth

Pericoronitis is a condition that involves swollen gums around a wisdom tooth. Acute pericoronitis infections can be extremely painful.
21 Yummy & Soft Foods To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

21 Yummy & Soft Foods To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Every oral surgery patient needs to know what foods they can eat after wisdom tooth removal. You’ll want to have several options to eat.
8 Warning Signs for Impacted Wisdom Teeth & 4 Impaction Type 

8 Warning Signs for Impacted Wisdom Teeth & 4 Impaction Type 

Think you might have impacted wisdom teeth? These impacted molars are more common than you think, with most people having at least one impacted wisdom tooth.
Wait, Can Wisdom Teeth Grow Back After They're Removed?

Wait, Can Wisdom Teeth Grow Back After They're Removed?

Can teeth grow back after your wisdom teeth removal? No. But can you have extra wisdom teeth come in behind your typical four third molars?