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Dentures offer one of the most affordable ways to replace all of your missing teeth. But how much do dentures cost? If you’re thinking about asking your dentist to pull all of your teeth and replace them with dentures, there are some dentures costs beyond just finances that you’ll want to consider. The cost of dentures depends on a number of factors.
That being said, dentures have their time and place. The ideal candidate for dentures might be someone who fits one of the following scenarios:
One of the key factors that impacts the cost of dentures is the type of denture that you’re getting. They’re not all created the same way, nor do they serve the same purpose. Here are the major types of dentures you’ll want to be familiar with before meeting with your dentist:
Full dentures—sometimes called “plates”—are a removable prosthesis that rests directly on top of your gums to replace all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. They’re removable and held into place either by suction or your lip/cheek/tongue muscles. As long as your denture fits properly, you shouldn’t need adhesive or paste.
A partial denture only replaces the permanent teeth that are missing. It snaps into place around any natural teeth you’re still able to retain. It’s called a partial because it only restores part of your arch of teeth. Partial dentures usually have a chrome/metal base. Smaller versions can also be crafted out of a more flexible acrylic material (i.e., “Valplast” partials.)
There really isn’t such a thing as a fixed partial denture, per se. Instead, it’s more of a multi-tooth dental bridge that’s anchored onto supporting dental implants or natural teeth. Basically, it replaces several teeth but isn’t removable.
Also called implant stabilized dentures, these removable prosthetics are made to clip or snap onto supporting dental implants. As such, they provide improved stability when you’re eating or talking. Sometimes dental patients can have their current dentures retrofitted to snap onto dental implants at a later point in time. You might only need two implants or a few mini implants, making the transition easier than you thought.
Permanent implant dentures are a hybrid type of device that is permanently anchored onto as few as four implants. It is non-removable and tends to have some of the higher dentures cost/fees of all denture designs. That being said, they’re also cost-effective because you don’t need a one-to-one ratio of implants for each tooth that’s being replaced.
“Teeth in a day” or “same day dentures” tend to be immediate prosthetics that are placed after existing teeth are extracted. However, they often have to be adjusted, relined, or replaced after your mouth has fully healed. Most immediate dentures are a type of healing or interim appliance that you’ll have to change out with a permanent version a few months later.
“How much do dentures cost?” Well, the cost of traditional dentures depends on more than you might think. Finding affordable dentures can be challenging, but there are many factors to look at. Here are some of the variables to consider:
Dentures cost will vary depending on the type of denture you’re getting, the materials or lab that’s used, where you live, and if you’re getting dental implants or bone grafting alongside your prosthesis. Along those lines, there are “tiers” of denture designs ranging from budget to premium, all of which impact the cost of dentures.
It’s one thing if you’re replacing teeth that are already missing. But if you need to extract existing teeth, it will be a separate procedure that also comes at an added financial cost. Plus there are other fees to consider, such as sedation or bone augmentation (grafting).
If you have dental insurance, there’s a good chance that it will at least cover part of your dentures. But waiting periods, missing tooth clauses, deductibles, and other factors will need to be examined. Your dentist’s office will help you with an itemized breakdown for your given situation and coverage.
Dental insurance cover dentures but its not the most affordable way to get dentures. The best way to save on dentures is by being prepared. Dental saving plans can help reduce costs by up to 60% off dentures.
Cost of living directly impacts the price of all dental procedures, including the fee your dentist charges for dentures. Things like overhead expenses, labs, staff salaries, etc. all have to be considered.
Thankfully dentures cost is usually accessible for most people, even without insurance coverage. One of the best options for affordable dentures are with a dental discounts plan.
Type of Denture | Avg. Cost With Insurance | Avg. Cost Without Insurance | Avg. Cost with 1Dental |
Low-cost Denture | $150 to $300 | $300 to $500 | $87 to $145 |
Low-cost Dentures (full set) | $300 to $500 | $600 to $1,000 | $174 to $290 |
Mid-quality Denture | $300 to $800 | $500 to $1,500 | $145 to $435 |
Mid-quality Dentures (full set) | $500 to $1,500 | $1,000 to $3,000 | $290 to $870 |
Highest Quality Denture | $1,000 to $2,000 | $2,000 to $4,000 | $580 to $1,160 |
Highest Quality Dentures (full set) | $2,000 to $4,000 | $4,000 to $8,000 | $1,160 to $2,320 |
Maybe one of the reasons you’re getting dentures in the first place is because you didn’t have dental insurance to cover preventative care. That’s ok. How much do dentures cost if you don’t have insurance? As little as $300 for budget designs.
Mid-range complete dentures tend to cost anywhere from $1,000-3,000.
For cosmetic/premier designs, the cost could fluctuate between $2,000-4,000 per denture. Obviously, you would need to double those numbers if you’re talking about a full upper and lower set to restore your entire smile (so anywhere from $600-8,000).
If you do have dental insurance, it will probably help to significantly lower your out-of-pocket investment on the total dentures cost. Every plan and benefits package are different. The best way to maximize the coverage you’re entitled to is to have your dentist verify your coverage ahead of time and give you a quote before the appointment is scheduled. In-network dentists aren’t always that much “cheaper”, so it doesn’t hurt to get a few different quotes before you decide to move forward.
The typical dental insurance plan will usually cover about 50% on certain types of major treatments, of which dentures are typically included. Just keep in mind that a lot of dental insurance policies cap out at around $1,500 per year after deductibles. So, for example, if 50% of the denture price is more than that (maybe you picked out a high-tier $6,000 denture) you’ll be responsible for the difference.
Hands down, the cheapest way to get dentures and reduce your out-of-pocket costs is to go to a dental school to have the work completed. Dental schools offer high-quality services and keep routine services priced as low as possible. The only trade-off is that you’ll be spending a little more personal time to complete the process.
Dental discount plans are great for saving up to 71% on the cost of dentures and other dental services. Dental plans are nationwide with over 100,000 dentists in the program, see if you can save with a dentist near you.
A dental discount plan combined with a dental credit card can help pay for the high ticket price of dentures.
Dental schools can provide affordable denture options to replace all of your missing teeth. You can find a dental school near you here to schedule an evaluation visit.
The gold standard for tooth replacement is the modern dental implant. Now, although implant fees are much higher than how much dentures cost, they actually offer the best return on investment. You see, dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. When you compare updating a denture every several years, you could potentially save money by making the initial investment in dental implants.
Generally speaking, dentures are going to be your fastest and initially cheapest way to replace all of your teeth at one time. But…and this is a big but…full removable dentures can take quite a bit of time to adjust to. Everything from eating to speaking is going to take a little extra effort before you feel comfortable, and confident about, doing it around others.
American Dental Association recommends to soak your denture in an effervescent denture cleaning solution at night. The next morning use a soft toothbrush or denture brush to clean it thoroughly. Be sure to clean your mouth, too. Never use hot water, household cleaners or abrasives to clean your denture, as it could cause permanent damage.
Be sure to bring your denture with you to your routine six-month checkups to have it professionally cleaned and your mouth evaluated.
Related: Best Denture Cleaning Solutions
You can get into cheap false teeth or low quality dentures for as little as a few hundred dollars. Dental work and the dentures cost is also reflective of the type of denture you get and how well it’s made. They can range anywhere from $300 to $8,000, easily. To truly know how much do dentures cost in your area, you’ll need to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a dentist or prosthodontist (denture expert.)
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